DragonFlair: The Dragon Hero! Part II

WolfBlaze was stunned and greatly taken aback by the man who sat before him sternly ordering him that Keith’s hand at once receded from the ancient artifact he was about to touch. “Who is this man, how on earth can he speak multiple languages at once and what is up with these artifacts why are they so dangerous?/!” Keith asked himself as he opened his mouth to ask the dragon-robed man these questions.

But the man had slipped back into deep meditation, his eyes tightly sealed and uttering those enigmatic words whose meanings WolfBlaze had no clue.

“I’d better leave this Good Sir be for the time being and ask him my questions when he isn’t meditating. My questions will at last reveal the source of my visions that lay in his tent, since this Dragon Robed Sir definitely holds the answers!” WolfBlaze eagerly thought to himself while exiting the tent to resume his explorations of The City.

No sooner had the NightProwler left the tent a thief snuck in surreptitiously making his way towards the dragon headed artifacts. The shining beauty of these artifacts reflected in the thief’s gleeful eyes. “Precious ancient dragon treasure with great power just what My Master needs!” the thief thought to himself as he scooped up a Dragon headed artifact and silently exited the tent to disappear into the bustling crowds outside with the loot in hand.

The thief’s getaway would not go unpunished though as no sooner had the sly quick thief exited the tent, the Dragon Robed man awoke from his meditation and transformed into a giant scarlet gold dragon. Out of the tent the dragon emerged heading in pursuit of the thief before the amazed eyes of the many people with WolfBlaze among them.

WolfBlaze walked at blazing sonic speed in the pursuit of the dragon. “What On Earth is this thing?/! Maybe this creature is the source of my visions, either way though I’ll catch him!” WolfBlaze thought in silent pursuit of The Dragon.

The Dragon disappeared around a corner as WolfBlaze prepared to do the same. But suddenly, the NightProwler stumbled upon the Dragon Robed man who was the exact same man wearing the scarlet gold robe seen meditating while speaking a mysterious tongue in the tent earlier!

“Hello again Dear Sir!” WolfBlaze said “Have you seen a Scarlet Gold Dragon coincidently the same colour of your robe? The Dragon disappeared around that corner” WolfBlaze pointed “Have you seen it My Good Sir?” the NightProwler inquired.

The Dragon robed man smiled and spoke again in multiple languages this time in Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Tagalog, Cantonese, Mandarin, Manchu, Mongolian French and English all at once.

“My Dear Sir!” The man explained “Do you mean DragonFlair? Yes DragonFlair was the Dragon you saw earlier that came out of my tent and disappeared round that corner while you were pursuing him. He is an Ancient Mighty Hero of this land who comes out whenever there is danger. DragonFlair sees all and is everywhere. The Dragon protects this great land with all of its great inhabitants and can stop trouble anywhere!”

To Be Continued . . .

DragonFlair: The Dragon Hero! Part I

Whilst on vacation WolfBlaze stumbles across a New Hero in the first instalment of this adventurous and special new series!

WolfBlaze was vacationing in the Far East. Something about this part of the world had given the Keith Wolf powerful visions that encouraged him to venture on a short vacation to this ancient, glorious and enigmatic region that was an ocean away from Lupusville City and its rural wilderness.

A Sneagle which was a large half venomous snake, half eagle beast of the Lupusville Wilderness that WolfBlaze had confronted and tamed in preparation for this vacation was Keith’s transport that had flown him from the Lupusville Wilderness to the Pacific Far East safely in its huge claws.

Sneagles were as big as motorcycles and flew far faster enabling WolfBlaze to reach the Far East in less than an hour! More so Sneagles despite being deadly venomous predators when tamed were extremely loyal till the end and the same Sneagle, which transported Wolfblaze was currently flying in the sky above protectively watching over him. Keith was grateful that he tamed such an amazing beast!

Now that Keith Wolf for the first time in his life had finally arrived in the Far East which was his ancestral family home WolfBlaze could at last discover the source of his throbbing visions as well as pay tribute to his fallen family whom he missed so much.

Since he has never been to his ancestral family home before WolfBlaze wanted to bring two members of his LVPD NightProwler squad with him got backup and assistance in travelling the vast Oriental expanse of the Pacific Far East. However, his visions urged WolfBlaze to travel alone which he was obliged to obey.

Now travelling through a vast urban jungle with ancient beautiful buildings made of fine red marble with giant gargoyle statues at the doors juxtaposed with modern skyscrapers, cruise ship terminals and industrial freight waterfronts, the Pacific Far East’s Urban Centres were far superior to Lupusville City.

WolfBlaze from beneath the hood of his traveller’s cloak marvelled at the beautifies of this ancient yet modern great city situated in the heart of the region that was home to the most largest population in the world and Keith’s ancestral homeland.

Despite being among the finest unrivalled economic powerhouses of the world Lupusville City’s culture was one of primitiveness and extreme vice compared to this advanced Oriental City Keith was currently exploring. This highly advanced City’s culture an Ocean away from Lupusville followed harmony, goodwill and love making it in WolfBlaze’s eyes a true urban powerhouse far superior to Lupusville.

WolfBlaze was amazed at the grandness of the city but remained focused on his task at hand, tracking down the source of his visions. Now it seems that he had finally found the source, as a strong throbbing in his head was a signal that the gigantic tent Keith was currently standing outside was where the source of his visions resided. So WolfBlaze went inside.

Inside the tent WolfBlaze was amazed at all the ancient artifacts that lay inside. At the centre of these artifacts at a man wearing a scarlet and gold dragon robe in deep meditation.

The man was mumbling in an enigmatic ancient language that WolfBlaze did not understand. WolfBlaze spoke and understood all of the languages in the Far East but this gentleman’s muttering was spoken in a tongue that WolfBlaze had never heard before and could not understand.

As WolfBlaze reached out to curiously touch one of the dragon headed artifacts, the man’s eyes instantly snapped open! Speaking in English, Manchu, Mandarin and Cantonese all at the sound time, the man sternly ordered WolfBlaze “Stop Sir Do Not Touch Anything! These items are extremely dangerous and their contents must not be tampered with nor released!”

To Be Continued . . .